From the Pastor's Heart

Pastor's heart original

Pastor Dalton 10/17/2024

Church Family, 
Romans 8:26 says, "Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words." I want you to think about this text two ways. First, if you've ever been in a moment of grief or utter despair and you felt that you needed to pray, but just don't feel like you can do so effectively, then take heart. You may not be able to chain words together, but the Spirit will pray with you in your pain with deep groanings! What a blessing! Second, the text says we don't know what to pray, and it doesn't just mean when you're struggling. Basically, even when we are at our best, what we pray for is not always right. So we get the awesome privilege of the Holy Spirit autocorrect! He takes our prayers, and transforms them! So if you ever doubt your prayer ability, remember, it goes through Him first! 
As for announcements, I just want to thank you all for the love and gifts this past Sunday! The breakfast was wonderful, and the kind words were greater than the food. I consider myself blessed to be your pastor, and my family and I love our church! Thank you so much!
Second, this Fall Festival/Trunk-or-Treat is coming up! We are less than a week and a half away. So if you haven't yet, sign up to participate on Sunday and then let's get ready to serve all those kids that are going to be coming for candy. And yes, they'll leave with candy, but I pray they'll also leave knowing that there is a church that loves them, which points to a greater truth: God loves them! So come and serve! 
Finally, this coming Sunday there will be a list of potential deacon candidates printed and available. This is per the By-Laws, we will have a list of all men who have been members at least a year printed 2 weeks before we nominate so that you can begin thinking about who you would like to serve this year. Remember, the list does not mean the men are biblically qualified or have agreed to serve, so my encouragement would be to use the two weeks to ask your potential nomination if they would even be willing to serve. We will do nominations on the first Sunday in November. 
With that, I'll see you Sunday! 


Serving Him, 
Pastor Dalton
Hopewell Baptist